Will Gar Bite? May-Be!
Because of their toughness, gars are easy to keep in the home aquarium as long as you’re able to supply a steady diet of live fish or wean them over to other high-protein fare. Young gar, because of their fast metabolism, will waste away if not fed at least a couple of feeder-size guppies a day. But be forewarned: properly fed young gar grow quickly and can reach a foot or so within the first year. Adult gars can be trained to eat thawed frozen smelt and beef heart.

Oscar Is No April Fool’s Joke | Fish of the Month
Oscar cichlids are one of the most popular fish sold at pet stores because of their beautiful colors and unique personality. These “water puppies” are intelligent enough to recognize you as their owner, will come up to the front of the tank to greet you, and can be trained to eat out of your hand.

March’s Featured Fish: The Fickle Discus!
Discus fish are characterized by a compressed, disk-shaped body. The two species (S. discus and S. aequifasciata) occur naturally in South America's tributaries of the Amazon River.

February’s Fish of the Month: Peacock Bass
Peacock bass (or Brazilian tucunaré) (Cichla) is a genus of large cichlids, predatory freshwater fish native to the Amazon, Orinoco basins, and Guianas rivers, in tropical South America. They are sometimes referred to in English by their Brazilian name, tucunaré, or Spanish name, pavon.